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The Real Secret to a Cavity Free Mouth

9 Apr

Cavity free

The Real Secret to a Cavity Free Mouth

Over the past 10 years I have seen thousands and thousands of patients and I can tell you that everyone’s mouth and oral chemistry is different.  That being said I will give you some basic background information and let you know how you and your children can lower your risk of cavities by developing the right habits and using the appropriate supplements.

The Basics:

Oral Hygiene: Brushing a minimum of 2 times a day and flossing a minimum of 4 times a week.

Nutrition and eating habits: First off you should know that every time you eat or drink your mouth will produce acidic enzymes for 20 minutes, and it is during this time that your mouth is most vulnerable to forming a cavity.  So, the best advice I can give you is to avoid sipping or snacking throughout the day.

Fluoride (natural cavity fighting mineral):  this mineral is found naturally and it helps prevent cavities by strengthening teeth.  In most counties Fluoride has been added to the city water and for the past 65 years it has reduced the national cavity rate drastically by strengthening the teeth systemically.

Low, Medium, and High Risk: For the most part everyone falls into one of these categories.
Children from age 14-22 tend to be in the High Risk category, and a stronger toothpaste is advised such as PreviDent 5000. You can get this toothpaste from your Dentist or have him/her write you a prescription to get from your pharmacy.

Age 0-12:

For children in this age range I would advise using filtered tap water or bottled water that has fluoride added to it.  Also for children that tend to eat the toothpaste and have not perfected swish and spit routine, to use a non-Fluoridated toothpaste or just use a very small amount of Fluoridated toothpaste. As they get older you can go back to the regular Fluoridated toothpaste that you like and also you can start using a Fluoridated mouthwash like ACT for children.

Orthodontic treatment:

For children in braces I would recommend using a Water Pik water flosser and also using a high concentration Fluoride toothpaste like PreviDent 5000.

The Water Pik will help with dislodging the food and debris from between and around the brackets, and the extra strength toothpaste will help reduce your child’s chances of getting a cavity or developing the little white spots on his/her teeth after the braces come off.

I hope you found this to be helpful if you have any questions feel free to leave us a comment or send us a message through Facebook.

Marietta Family Dental Care, P.C. – Google

Lawrenceville Family Dental Care, P.C. – Google

Bad Oral Health Habits for Your New Year’s Resolution List

28 Dec

Almost everyone has had to wrestle with a pesky, hard-to-break habit like fingernail biting or foot tapping! When it comes to your teeth, you may be unaware of some bad habits that are just as important to curb if you don’t                                                                               want your smile to suffer the consequences!

Marietta Family Dental Care has compiled a list of the WORST dental habits and why you should try to break them:

Brushing too hard – Some of us take brushing a little too far, using the force of a sandblaster. Dr. Mansouri says your teeth may get a good scrub, but you’ll also put yourself at a higher risk of gum recession. Take it easy, use a soft bristled brush, start at the gumline, keep your brush at an angle and brush upward with circular strokes.

Chewing Ice Cubes – The sudden cold can spell DISASTER for your teeth. It can make existing fillings and other restorations expand and contract rapidly. It can also heavily affect your enamel.

Ultimately, you may end up with a cracked tooth or filling.

Toothpicks – They can be great for removing food stuck in between your teeth, but you will often end up poking sensitive gums or forcing debris farther in, instead out.

Dr. Mansouri recommends using dental floss instead.

Sucking Lemon – Although it’s an excellent way to top off iced tea or a Gin and Tonic, the citric acid in lemons can erode the surface of your teeth.

Over time your teeth will soften or develop tiny grooves that invite chipping and in the long run cause costly treatment needs.